Lucila Nogueira
Volcano Melancholy

In front of the luminosity of the panels, the ecstasy comes after the impact: from a shady and shattered world, Plínio Palhano succeeds in making both union and clarity spring. In magnetized rotation, the archetypical images are suggested as if they were millenary, infinite inhabitants of a civilization of the fire, pierced into the whirls of man´s unconscious abysses. Nothing is safe, defined or stable in Plínio´s world. Driven by surprise, pointedly hallucinated. He does not want to represent the outward appearance of things, he wants to see them inside, in the substratum which makes them linger unspoiled, capturing their lives as in a catharsis. Vertiginous colors work as characters who drag us into this true odyssey of soul. I could claim that his line is between energy and depth. Through his sculptural panels, Plínio soars up intangible, lyric and oneiric, anguish powerfully illuminated struggling obsessively to outclass the opposites, to get rid of both the consumable pragmatism and the banality of the easy, feverish, conscious, innocent and hieratical fad. Ascesis of a person who wished, as in fact wishes, the solidary fusion between resemblances and contrasts, volcano melancholy - the expression belongs to Octavio Paz -, intense, cadenced, flames of labyrinth taking turns with the everlasting fire that will lodge in the sublime unite of whatever is alive on earth.